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#ElvisEnergyExperience: One year no beer

January 7, 2021

In 2019, we’re exploring energy. How it affects us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We’ve hooked up with a series of experts who will set an experiment every month to help us discover a new way of managing our energy.

Throughout September we’re going to be exploring life without alcohol and looking at how taking a break from the booze impacts our energy. Research shows that 92% of people who take a break from alcohol say they feel happier, 73% sleep better, and a staggering 74% say they experience reduced anxiety. All from finding alternatives to that post work pint!

Whilst we are all aware of the benefits of taking a break from the booze, and we might have tried the odd ‘Dry January’ in the past, this experiment is about having a programme in place to help us make that break a reality and keep it going.

Most excitingly though, not only are we saying goodbye to those wasted hours and days feeling hazy from a night on the sauce (we all know that feeling right?), but we’ll have more energy to play with, every day, so we can do more extraordinary things with our energy and our time.

Our expert partners for this month’s experiment are the brilliant One Year No Beer, an amazing team who are working to break the social stigma around not drinking by championing the alternatives that exist for those of us who still want to be sociable, but don't want to drink.

They’ve designed some super simple 28, 90 or even 365 day challenges to help people give up alcohol and focus on healthy alternatives, all wrapped around creating a community of people who work together to bring a bit of sobriety and clarity into their lives.

To launch this month’s energy experiment, we’ve recorded a special episode of our Podcast, with their co-founder Andy Ramage. Have a listen here:

The guys at OYNB have set us a 28-day challenge for September, which we’ve broken down into 4 weekly ‘sprints’ to make it super easy to follow the programme and come on this experiment with us...

The 4 stages look like this:

Week 1: The Foundations.This week's all about getting set for the challenge ahead, and making sure that we’ve got absolute clarity on why we’re doing this and why we want to take a break from the booze.

Week 2: CommitmentThis week is all about not falling at the first (or fifth) hurdle, avoiding any slips-ups if they do happen and accepting them and keeping going.

Week 3: Breaking New TerritoryWe'll be over the hump of a normal detox after two weeks so it’s more important than ever to keep going now. We’ll start to get more adventurous this week, moving back towards our normal social life - but, making sure we’re prepared to fend off the beer bandits. Those friends, clients and family who are not ready to accept the new improved us.

Week 4: Willpower perfectionistsWe have all been there, we start out with great intentions, only to crumble when faced with our willpower challenge. The final week of the experiment is all about creating reminders of the willpower we have and need to keep-up.

Each week we’ll post more detail in our blog here with that week’s specific challenges and how you can try them out too, plus we'll be keeping you all updated on LinkedIn and Instagram.

If you want to join us and follow the entire programme for all 28 days, you can sign-up with One Year No Beer on their website here: https://www.oneyearnobeer.com/takethechallenge

A huge thanks to the team at www.oneyearnobeer.com for putting this plan together for us. You can probably tell from our podcast, we’re super excited to get into this one and see how much more energy we have.

You can find out more about the OYNB team at their website, or on their facebook page if you want to hear from other people who’ve experienced it.

We’ll be reporting back throughout September on how the experiment is going for us. So, follow our progress and let us know how you get on too. And let’s all feel happier, sleep better and have tons more energy to play with...

Check out our podcast below to find out more about how this one went...