Food memories

We‘re beside ourselves with excitement about this month’s experiment. We’re all huge foodies at Elvis HQ, and breaking bread with loved ones forms a huge part of who we are and where we get our energy from.

The act of sourcing ingredients, preparing food, and sharing this experience with those we hold dear is an incredible way to give our mental, emotional, and spiritual energy a huge boost… and you get to eat delicious food too… win, win!

Our expert for this month’s experiment if the wonderfully talented, Chef, Author and Food Writer, Gill Meller.

Gill writes a monthly recipe column in Delicious Magazine, his 2017 book Gather' was nominated for best debut cookbook at the André Simon awards, and his latest cookbook `Root, Stem, Leaf, Flower' is available now.

We couldn’t be more excited to be working with Gill this month...

Photo by Nico Benedickt on Unsplash