The Upping Your Elvis Podcast: Episode 5

On this months Upping Your Elvis Podcast we've been chatting to the super knowledgeable James Wallman, a cultural commentator, trend forecaster, and the international bestselling author of Stuffocation and Time and How To Spend It.

On this months Upping Your Elvis Podcast we've been chatting to the super knowledgeable James Wallman, a cultural commentator, trend forecaster, and the international bestselling author of Stuffocation and Time and How To Spend It.

His latest book, Time and How To Spend It: 7 rules for richer, happier days, released in the UK in April 2019, became a no. 1 bestseller within weeks of release was the basis for our summer Energy Experiment over July & August.

We caught up with James to chat about the experiment he set for us, and all things to do with how we should be using our time.

Have a listen below and follow us @uppingyourelvis for more Energy Experiments...